Monday, February 28, 2011

10) Podcatcher

Podcatcher: Software in a user's machine where the user download digital music, to an MP3 player (Podcast), an Ipod.

9) Plagiarism

Plagiarism: Is the use of someone else material. Like an author who wrote a book, but someone else steal his book, or make an identical plot. Is the copy, and use of someone else words, text, plots, or ideas, from someone else, and the one that steal the idea or other thing could get the credit for.

8) Phrase Searching

Phrase Searching: It's where you search for a file, or document and that have the same sentence, and is better than the keywords.

7) Peer-to-peer

Peer-to-peer: Are computer system that are connected all together all thanks to Internet.

6) News Feed

News Feed: Are articles with information that the press, and communication world have access. This News Feed are updated by itself, and provide the ultimate news to the people.

5) Math Symbols

Math Symbols: Math symbols are the one the indicated is is Addition, Substation, Multiplication, Division, and others. One the computer the symbols (+, and -) are found in the key boards, and multiplication is just with an "X".

4) Link List

Link List: Is a data structure where the data is storing, and well organized, that it's base on nodes the one the help to liked list, and others, and each has a reference, and are link to the next node in order.

3) Libel

Libel: Is an accusation  without proves just to ruin the reputation of someone. If is a lie, is called libel.

2) Keywords

Keywords: Keywords are sentence, or words that describe an image, or text, document, data base records, and Web sites. With keywords you can find things more easy, and fast. 

1) Indexes

Indexes: Is like a book to keep data, and that you can access really fast. In computer the Indexes help to find a physical location, or a possible location where the disk may be located.

Friday, February 25, 2011

30) Secure Sockets Layer

Secure Sockets Layer: Are cryptographic protocols that gives security in the communications all thanks to Internet.

29) Feed

Feed: Is a electronic distribution of sound, text, or video. Could be a union of workers that demand their right in a ration, of show if TV that is airing constant, or is text and graphs that are posted on a blog.

28) Directories

Directories: Is like a folder on the disk. Programs, and information are keep in the directory.

27) Copyright

Copyright: Are the rights of the author, for example someone who wrote a book, or a play and if anyone copy this material, the author have the rights, and can demand the one who is trying to copy. But also could be apply in the software. A work, including a piece of software, and that are under the copyright a let in all the countries that appears a sing of Copyright.

26) boolean Logic

Boolean Logic: The Boolean Logic it works with Math, on the computer. Which tells True/False. Multiply, Divide, Subtract, Addition are present, and more about Algebra.

25) Blog

Blog: Blog is like a Website, or part of a Web site, The blogs are maintain by one person where they write about an specific subject, or is like their diary, also describe events, or videos, or other kinds of subjects.

24) Wiki

Wiki: It's a place where you can edit a number of interlinked web (Is a Web Site), where you can update the Web site, by using your own Web Browser.

23) webapp

webapp: Is an application in which some parts are download from the Web each time it runs. An example of this applications, or programs are Flash, JavaScript, HTML5, PHP, Java, Silverlight, and more.

Another Source:

22) Website

Website: Is a connected group of pages that is available in all World Wide Web. If the Website is not updating is because the owner of the Website is not doing anything. The Website it always being updating by 1, or more persons, also could be updating by a company.

21) Web Cache

Web Cache: There is many names for Web Cache. A cache keeps recently used information and is put it on a place where the user access really fast.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

20) Web 2.0

Web 2.0: Is the second generation of the World Wide Web, "2.0" is from software industry, where the new versions of programs get their tag with incremental version number.

19) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

Uniform Resource Locator (URL): Is like the address for a website. If you write it wrong, is like a phone number will be wrong. It does not have spaces, or other words like smiley face"☺", or hears"♥" etc.

18) Social Networking Site

Social Networking Site: Are organizations where people all around the world are registered, and looking  for friendship, kinship, love interest,  or other kind of cause.

17) Really Simple Syndication(RSS)

Really Simple Syndication(RSS): Is used to publish the most recent updated works like example blog pages, news, videos, sound in a normalized format.

16) Portal

Portal: Is like a web site, used by Internet. Where is available their Email, news, and more things of business, has more functions.

15) Podcast

Podcast: Is a program to record that record talk, or music, and more etc. It works all thanks to the computer, and the person, or user can download from the Internet, to the computer.

14) Mosaic

Mosaic: It's the first Multimedia browser for the web that let the pictures, sounds, text, videos, and other files etc that access directly from graphical user interface.

13) Internet Service Provider (ISP)

Internet Service Provider (ISP): It's also called a Internet access provider. Is a company like Time Warner Cable, triple play, Verizon Wireless, etc that provides Internet.

12) Internet Protocol (IP) Address

Internet Protocol (IP) Address: Is a tag that is assigned to each device like computer, printer, and other devices, and are used in a computer network, that transmit data between 2 devices as communication.

11) Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): Are some rules that let the user of the World Wide Web to exchange on the web pages.

10) Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): It decides of what design, and the structure of the Web document, and has different qualities, and tags 

9) Home Page

Home Page: The first, and principal page when ever you access to the Internet.

8) Hit

Hit: Is also called the hit page. To have back the any item like a web site (page), a file, or any other document, or graph and is from a Web server.

7) Geographic Imaging

Geographic Imaging: Can work with the images of the space. Has tools too which you have available like transparencies, filters, pixel editing, and image adjustments.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

6) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

File Transfer Protocol (FTP): Is a group of formal rules that describe how data are transmitted, and mostly this is in happens in the network.

5) Domain

Domain: Is a group of computers or device on a network that work as a unit, and had rules, and procedures.

4) Digital Certificate

Digital Certificate: Is an attachment on a email for security against virus, and other programs.

3) Cookie

Cookie: Are small bits that are transmitted from 1 Web server, to a Web Browser .

2) Client

Client: Is a system that can access from one distance on another computer system, all thanks by the way of network.

1) ActiveX

ActiveX: Are some small programs that are just used on the Internet. This programs are called "add-ons". They help the animation, the videos, and other programs without this program it wouldn't be able to watch video like on Youtube, or visit website that just appear on blank because the computer is asking for those programs. Who are really easy to install in the computer, and allow to watch all the animations on your computer.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

30) Worm

Worm: Is a type of computer virus. It duplicate itself but does not touch the files on the computer. But this does not means they don't do anything. They duplicated them self  many times that take all the computer available memory. And if that happens the computer will be really slow, this means will be more hard to access on the files etc. 

29) Virus

Virus: Is a program, or a simple code. That can infect the computer depends on the levels of risk. The virus could infect one, or more program on the computer.

28) Urban Legend

Urban Legend: The mask of this Urban legends is to warning the person of emails that might have virus inside. But the other side of this is bad. This Urban Legend don't protect you from virus. Most of the warnings are you trash. It's just a false alarm that as long we don't touch the documents, or files that are attached. But with that you computer is not save.

27) Trojan Horse

Trojan Horse: Is a software, but this program has a double side, that it looks like it has a function to the user prior to run, or install. But this is just a face, the real work of this Trojan Horse is to steal information from your computer, or break the system.

26) Time Bomb

Time Bomb: Is a very bad, and at the same time illegal program that is programmed to detonate in a set time to release a virus on the computer system, or the network.

25) teleconferencing

Teleconferencing: Is a conference with different people of different places of the world, this happens when a person is really busy, and have no time to fly for the conference, or meeting. The teleconferencing is via television.

24) Tagging

Tagging: Is a system use in the Internet. Is like a keyword just for one file, like (Photos, videos, documents, or computer file)

23) Spam

Spam: Is also know as the junk mail. Where the mail that we don't want to see in the inbox goes. Also because could have the risk of containing virus.

Note: Isn't this word twice in the list?

22) RDF Summary

RDF Summary: RDF means Really, Simple, Syndication. Is a form of give website content like news stories, or software updates in a standar XML format.